Протокол NCP сети ARPANET (предшественник TCP/IP) ARPANET NCP (Obsolete predecessor of TCP/IP)

Протокол NCP сети ARPANET (предшественник TCP/IP)
ARPANET NCP (Obsolete predecessor of TCP/IP)

801 - NCP/TCP Transition Plan
773 - Comments on NCP/TCP Mail Service Transition Strategy
714 - A Host/Host Protocol for an ARPANET-type Network
689 - Tenex NCP Finite State Machine for Connections
663 - A Lost Message Detection and Recovery Protocol
636 - TIP/TENEX Reliability Improvements
635 - An Assessment of ARPANET Protocols
534, 516, 512 - Lost Message Detection
492, 467 - Proposed Change to Host-Host Protocol Resynchronization of Connection Status
489 - Comment on Resynchronization of Connection Status Proposal
425 - "But my NCP Costs $500 a day..."
210 - Improvement of Flow Control

197 - Initial Connection Protocol - Revised
176 - Comments on Byte Size for Connections
165 - A Proferred Official Initial Connection Protocol
147 - The Definition of a Socket
142 - Time-out Mechanism in the Host-Host Protocol
132, 124, 107, 102 - Output of the Host-Host Protocol Glitch Cleaning Committee
129 - A Request for Comments on Socket Name Structure
128 - Bytes
117 - Some Comments on the Official Protocol
072 - Proposed Moratorium on Changes to Network Protocol
068 - Comments on Memory Allocation Control Commands (CEASE, ALL, GVB, RET) and RFNM
065 - Comments on Host-Host Protocol Document Number 1
060 - A Simplified NCP Protocol
059 - Flow Control-Fixed Versus Demand Allocation
058 - Logical Message Synchronization
057, 054 - An Official Protocol Proffering
056 - Third Level Protocol
055 - A Prototypical Implementation of the NCP
050, 049, 048, 047, 046, 045, 044, 040, 039, 038, 036, 033 - New Host-Host Protocol
042 - Message Data Types
023 - Transmission of Multiple Control Messages
022 - Host-Host Control Message Formats
018 - Comments Re: Host-Host control link
015 - Network Subsystem for Time Sharing Hosts
011 - Implementation of the Host-Host Software Procedures in GORDO
009, 001 - Host Software
008 - ARPA Network Functional Specifications
005 - DEL
002 - Links

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